From Twang to Bang

From Twang to Bang

Learn how and why our fighting forces changed from using a bow and arrows, which relied on muscle-power, to using gunpowder in a musket.

Discover what an English longbow was made from, and how we acquired the the wood. Learn about how our archers were trained and the arrows they shot (NOT fired!). Find out about bowyers and fletchers and just how skilled they were. Hear about the successes achieved by English archers in battle, and learn about the archery terms we still use today.

Find out about the reasons for the change to gunpowder and the prominence of Pikemen.

I MUST be able to park (not unload/load then park a distance away) AT your venue entrance. If this cannot be arranged then I'm afraid that I cannot accept the booking.

This presentation is NOT suitable for Zoom.

The cost is £50 plus travelling costs. The travelling costs will be stated from the outset so there will be no nasty surprises. Payment is at the time of the presentation, or within 7 days if a prior agreement has been made. An Invoice will be supplied.

Even in those days they don't like it up 'em!

Discover how gunpowder is made and the problems with storing it.

Hear how muskets developed and how they were loaded and fired. Handle the shot that emerged from their barrels. Discover the range of these weapons and how accurate (or not) they were. Hear the grisly details of the wounds they caused , and how those wounds compare with wounds caused by modern bullets. Learn about the musketry terms we still use today.

PLEASE NOTE - the audience is encouraged to handle the items, but the muskets may only be handled UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF THE PRESENTER.

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